the 2009 Wayfarer Chesapeake Cruise
as recalled by André Girard and his camera - 3


Wednesday - crossing from Crisfield to Tangier Island:
The wind was just strong enough to give us decent speed with a comfortable downwind sail.

Tony (4105), Gary (1321) and ...

... and Dick heave to in order to keep the group together.

Steve and Robert in the CL

Jane learns to helm in Blue Mist

Richard snaps a picture of André doing the same.

Brandon gets a turn at the helm while Richard mans the digital.

Wednesday afternoon: Arrival at Milton Parks' marina.  The lord of the Manor:  Milton has 35 cats (he told me that he used to have more,
but somebody gave them milk mixed with antifreeze) and a dog that loves the water and gets  very dirty while climbing back to shore.


... on Tangier Island.

Walking the "streets" of Tangier

Obviously, Gary is not the old fisherman; he looks very much like a tourist.

This is the real old fisherman.

for full-size pic, click here

Jim Heffernan (r) and Tony Krauss admire the unique Tangier trash bins
at Hilda Crockett's Chesapeake House Restaurant and B&B.

The dog belongs to Jim. It is a mixture of pitbull and Labrador. It probably means that it is strong and could be vicious,
but fortunately, it got along well with Tony and seemed indifferent to all the others. And being a sea dog, it ...

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