the 2009 Wayfarer Chesapeake Cruise
as recalled by Dick Harrington and his camera


Wednesday 27 May 2009: on the way from Crisfield to Tangier

Gary Hirsch (white shirt) hove to with son, Brian, as is lonely Tony Krauss in W4105

André Girard is also sailing solo.

Brian Hirsch steers W1321 in pursuit of Steve Roney's CL.

Jane at the helm of Blue Mist

A lovely breeze as Solje (W1321) nears Tangier Island.

Dick and Jane with Blue Mist safely ensconced at Milton Parks' Marina.

Thursday: The fleet heads over to Watts from Tangier

Working boats in Tangier's harbor

Friday: André sailing from Tangier to Smith

(l to r) Steve and Robert in the CL pursue Brandon and Richard in W10423.

Dick gets a chance to relax while ...

... Jane steers Blue Mist.

André gives the fleet a very much appreciated tow into harbor at Smith Island.

Storm clouds over the Smith Island Marina

Saturday: drying out after the storm
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