the 2010 Wayfarer Chesapeake Cruise
Kit Wallace's photo essay - 2


Tangier Crab Pound

Tangier Vehicles

Tangier Vehicles - 2

Merc Cat

A Serious Man

Tangier Signs

Tangier Signs - 2: Note the Adopt a Highway sign!

Tangier Signs - 3

Tangier Signs - 4

Snowy Egret

Tangier Wetlands

Tangier - Living with the Dead - 1

Tangier - Living with the Dead - 2

Tangier - Living with the Dead - 3

Tangier - Living with the Dead - 4

Wallace Pruitt's Cemetery

Watts Island - Friday


Watts Island Friday - 2
first Okies' photos page
return to 2010 Chesapeake Cruise index