the 2017 Oriental Cruise
Picture Report by Uncle Al
Tuesday pics - 3
pics mostly by Linda Heffernan, Uwe Heine, AnnMarie Covington and Uncle Al


the welcoming committee for Avocet

(l to r) AnnMarie, Nancy, Jim, Michele

Uncle Al holds Linda's Dark 'n' Stormy while she takes the picture.

Uwe and Richard

The world and our fleet at total peace

Aaaah! I just love wind vanes, especially ones like this one.
Makes me want to rush out and read a historical novel featuring George Washington.

Uwe and our modest meat for supper. It was absolutely delicious along with
Mango Relish by Nancy and Corn on the Cob.

Uncle Al and Jim Heffernan, Wayfarer royalty, greet the assembled multitudes from the balcony.

Nancy with Iapetus - (aka yap-at-us)
Now it was time to escape the bugs and dig in to dinner. It had been a deceptively tiring day, and no one seemed to
mind "early to bed". All except Uwe, Nancy and the three dogs, were again sleeping at Richard and Michele's.

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