Subject: Mother Ship International Rally in Friesland almost fully booked
----- Original Message -----
To: AllanParry ; Al Schonborn ; Anneke Broesterhuizen ; Anthony Patterson ; Poul Ammentorp ; Jim and Maribeth Fletcher ; Francine van der Vaart ; Richard Harrington ; Ralph Roberts ; Ray Scragg ; Sarah Burgess ; Stahlfest ; Joel & Åse Bøgh ; Joke Peers ; Steen Antonsen; Brian Lamb ; Evert B. Beket ; M.Bloks ; Elof Andersen ; Bent Holvert ; Jan Katgerman ; Roger Herbert ; Monica Schaefer ; Jim Heffernan ; Arnold Olyslagers ; Wim Notebaart
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 8:59 AM
Subject: Wayfarer Rally 2011 update #1

Happy New Year, all!
At 1 January we had 39 confirmed entries for the International Dutch Wayfarer Rally 2011 with 6 nationalities:
7 from UK, 12 from Denmark, 4 from USA, 2 from Canada, 1 from Ireland and 13 from The Netherlands.

So it was safe to confirm the bookings for both mother vessels In Dubio and Atalanta.

At this moment we have still room for only 6 persons!

Attached you find a list of all confirmed entries at 1 January 2011.

Best wishes for 2011,
Hans and Lous de Bruijne

Participants International Dutch Wayfarer Rally 2011

Status 1 January 2011 confirmed entries:

United Kingdom:
Allan and Sue Parry
Ralph Roberts
Brian Lamb and Bobbie Burnell
Roger and Gill Herbert

Poul and Irene Ammentorp
Steen Antonsen and Kis Jensen
Joel and Aase Bøgh
Elof and Karen Andersen
Bent and Mette Holvert
Arne and Vibeke Stahlfest

Dick Harrington and Jane Korver
Jim and Maribeth Fletcher

Canada: Al and Julia Schonborn

Ireland: Monica Schaefer

The Netherlands:
Joke Peers
Giel Bloks
Evert Beket
Marcel and Anneke Broesterhuis
Francine vd Vaart and Frans Veelenturf
Anthony and Emma Patterson
Jan Katgerman and crew
Hans and Lous de Bruijne