Songs for Singing Wayfarers
added on 5 March 09: the Dutch W Song Book
----- Original Message -----
From: Lori Beehler (W3140)
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 8:13 PM

Hi Al,

I was really impressed with the song sheets Ton and Conny brought to the Rally last summer.  It was great fun singing with everyone in all our languages.
I thought the song sheets could use a ‘refresh’ as they looked like they had been photocopied many a time.  Enclosed please find a softcopy.  I thought perhaps you could find an appropriate spot on the website to store them and perhaps over time, we could add to it as needed.
I’m filling out my membership application for LDSC, so thinking warm sailing thoughts this cold night.


----- Original Message -----
To: Lori Beehler
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 10:09 PM

Great idea, Lori. I will convert your work to a nicely printable PDF file and post it on the WIC site where I have added you material to Jesper Friis' International Wayfarer Song.
Stay warm - my computer tells me that it's -10C outside - and no doubt it's even colder in Ottawa!!
Best regards,
Uncle Al  (W3854)

Many Wayfarers join one or the other of our National Class Associations with little or no fanfare or ado. A few are even so lucky as to get a little tuning guide. And then there are the new members of the Scandinavian Wayfarer Association. They get a tuning guide of a different sort - the one shown at left.

It is a compilation of dozens of songs dedicated to Wayfarer sailing that have been written by various Scandinavian Wayfarers and use the melodies of assorted well known songs. This is one of the reasons why the Danes have as much fun after they sail as on the water. 

Some of these songs even have English versions. And in 1998, to mark the gathering of so many sailors from all over the Wayfarer world at Egå, Denmark, former Danish W-Nyt Editor, Jesper Friis, created the WIC "battle song" which you will find below:
Wayfarer Song

Melody: The Wild Rover

Let’s enjoy our passion - - - -
our passion at sea.
Now come on you brave sailors,
sail Wayfarer with me.

I’ve been a wild sailor for many a year.
I’ve spent all my money on gofast and gear.
I’m trailing my dinghy for many a mile,
to join all  my fellows in sailing a while.


While sailing we’re shouting and laughing whole time.
We’re hiking and tacking and planing quite fine.
And back in the harbour we’re thinking with cheer,
how wonderful life is with plenty of beer.


From first to the last we'll now raise our glass,
and then drink a toast to our Wayfarer class.
We’ll meet again soon so don’t waste your tears,
and now we will stand up and give us three “cheers”.


  Jesper Friis W-9355 / 1998