a Danish tribute to George Blanchard and his 90th
from Poul Ammentorp (W239)

----- Original Message -----
From: Poul Ammentorp
To: Al Schönborn
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 6:41 PM
Subject: George Blanchard

Dear Al,

Irene and I have just arrived from a wonderful trip to England where we visited Sue & Allan Parry in Bollington, south-east of Manchester.

I made a little write up for W-nyt on the great Wayfarer George, and on my return it has been brought on our homepage, here's the link: http://www.wayfarer.dk/set_sket_vis_detalje.asp?auto_id=54

It is in Danish, but I guess it will be good for you with a little exercise

bedste hilsner fra


----- Original Message -----
From: Al Schonborn
To: Poul Ammentorp
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 11:09 PM

Hi, Poul:
I very much enjoyed and (mostly) understood your fine article. I will point it out to George and - if I can find the time - translate it for our sailors over here. Before I post, I will let you correct any errors. I've missed you guys this summer but managed to survive the loneliness by having a few looks at my DM 2002 scrapbook and its great memories. See you next year!
Med Wenlig hilsen,
Uncle Al (W3854)

----- Original Message -----
From: Poul Ammentorp
To: Al Schonborn
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 2:15 PM

Dear Al,
I have tried to make a translation, please feel free to adjust my humble English.
med Wenlig hilsen

----- Original Message -----
From: Al Schonborn
To: Poul Ammentorp
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 9:13 PM

Hi again, Poul:
A fine translation. Mange tak!

I will repeat the link here (http://www.wayfarer.dk/set_sket_vis_detalje.asp?auto_id=54) so that people can check out the photos you have added and match them to your fine translations of both the article and the captions that I will put below a copy of this note on the appropriate web page(s) on both the Whiffle Web and on my special "George Blanchard turns 90" site where the material will live permanently on my wayfarer-canada site. Mange tak igen,
Uncle Al (W3854)

Your translation follows:

En super aktiv Wayfarer sejler runder 90 års mærket.
A super active Wayfarer sailor has rounded the mark of 90-years.

George Blanchard dette utrolige livstykke fyldte 90 år den 5. oktober. Når jeg kalder ham et livstykke, så er det fordi det er sjældent, at man møder en sejler, med så megen energi og mod på livet som George.
George Blanchard this unbelievable “live wire” became 90 years old on the 5. October. When I take the liberty to call him a “live wire”, then it is because, it is very seldom you will meet a sailor so full of energy and appetite for life as George.

Sidst jeg var sammen med George, var til verdensmesterskab for Wayfarer på Strangeford Lough i Nordirland, hvor George deltog i det store felt på 85 Wayfarer joller sammen med sin gast den 120+ (kg) tunge gast Mike Codd.
The last time I was together with George was at the Worlds Championship for Wayfarers on Strangford Lough in Northern Ireland, where George participated in the biggest gang of Wayfarer dinghies (85), together with his the 120+ Kg heavy & always faithful crew, Mike Codd.

George er den eneste Wayfarersejler som mig bekendt har deltaget i samtlige verdensmesterskaber. Jeg tror da også at der er mange som husker ham fra VM i Egå, Vallensbæk og Hellerup, hvor han på festaftenen holdt en festlig tale, og det er han rigtig god til. Ja han er næsten ikke til at stoppe når han først kommer igang.
George is to my knowledge the only Wayfarer sailor who has participated in all the World championships for Wayfarers. I believe there are many who remember him from the Worlds in Egå, the windy Vallensbaek and Hellerup, where George at the awards dinner created a festive atmosphere with his speeches (extremely long and funny), a discipline he still does with complete mastery. Yes, no one can stop him when he has got a grip on the microphone.

Til festaftenen i East Down Yacht Club i Nordirland for snart 3 år siden tog han senere på aftenen jobbet som "caller" da der spontant blev arrangeret square dance, og det var helt utroligt hvad han kunne få folk til at gøre ude på dansegulvet.
At the festive evening at East Down Yacht Club nearly 3 years ago he volunteered for the hard job as “caller” when a spontaneous square dance was arranged. It was unbelievable how George could get the boys to swing the girls on the dance floor.

George er en person som med sit organisationstallent, sin energi og smittende væsen, har bidraget stort den Canadiske Wayfarer families rigtig gode sammenhold igennem mange, mange år, ja lang tid før jeg overhovedet vidste, at der var noget der hed en Wayfarerjolle.
George is a person, who by the use his organizational talent, energy and contagious spirit, has contributed GREATLY to the close-knit family of the Canadian Wayfarers over a very long period, yes for many, many years, a long time before I even knew about the existence of a dinghy called Wayfarer.

Der god grund til at ønske George tillykke, ikke mindst fordi han har gjort, hvad mange af os håber på at gøre, og dermed vist os, at hvor der er vilje, er der også vej.
There is a good reason to congratulate George on his 90th birthday, not least because he has done what many of us hope to do, and hence showed us, where there is a will, there is a way. 

Stort tillykke til George Blanchard med de 90 år. Vi er mange der ønsker dig rigtig god vind fremover.
CONGRATULATIONS to George Blanchard on his 90 years. We are many who wish you fair winds to come.

Poul Ammentorp
W 239
Skandinavisk Wayfarer Sammenslutning

Jeg har "sakset" følgede fra uncle Al's Canadiske hjemmeside "Wiffleweb" ...
I have ”cut” some of the following pictures from Uncle Al’s Canadian homepage "Wiffleweb" ...

Billede # 1:
Picture #1:

Den saksede frit oversatte billedtekst lyder:

The text in a "free" translation:

George Blanchard, er skipper på "Red Top" i den just forgangne week-ends efterårs kapsejlads Pumpkin Regatta med Mike Codd som gast.  Sejlnummeret er ikke uden grund opdateret til CAN 90!!!
Om søndagen den 5. oktober, under Pumpkin regatta kunne George fejre sin 90 års fødselsdag i Fanshawe Sejlklub i London (Ontario Canada).

George Blanchard, skipper of "Red Top" the past weekend on the autumn “Pumpkin Regatta” with Mike Codd as crew. The sail number has, not without reason, been changed to CAN 90!!!
Sunday the 5. October, at the “Pumpkin Regatta” George could celebrate his 90th birthday at Fanshawe Sailing Club in London (Ontario, Canada).

Billede # 2
George skærer fødselsdagskagen ud. Han er nu slet ikke ked af at få hjælp udefra.

George is cutting the cake. He is definitely not unhappy to be getting a little help.

Billede # 3
Nu holder George tale igen.
Once again, George is giving a speech.

Billede # 4
George ved rorpinden i Nordirland i 2001, Mike Codd 120+ gaster. Dengang var det med sejlnummer CAN 80!!!

George helming in Northern Ireland in 2001. Mike Codd 120+ kg. crewing. At that time it was with sail number CAN 80!!!

Billede # 5
George havde det privilegie, at han blev søsat i båden. Mike Codd 120+ står foran jollen.
Jeg var meget misundelig over, at han undgik våde tæer.
De unge mennesker fra East Down Yacht Club, som hjalp med at søsætte jollerne fortale, at jeg ville få samme privilegie når jeg havde rundet de 85.
Der er sandelig noget at se frem til.

George had the privilege of being able to stay in the boat as it was launched. Mike Codd the 120+ crew is standing in front of the dinghy.
I was pretty envious, that George avoided getting his toes wet.
The very helpful young sailors from East Down Yacht Club, helping with the launching of the dinghies, said I could have the same privilege when I have rounded 85.
I really have something to look forward to.