2004 AEC Wayfarer Worlds
the Practice Race - 1
photos by Bob Thayer and Ralph Roberts
Heider Funck prepares to leave the Mississauga SC dock for the practice race ...
... as do Rachael Rhodes and Toby Mace in W8848 Meg B.

They're off in a nice, little ...

... on-shore breeze.

A lovely, smooth tack and ...

... it's off onto Lake Ontario. Note how Rachael even works hard and hikes when ...

... there's nothing at stake yet.

Marc Bennett (l) and Uncle Al have not put on their PFD's as permanently required by the SI's
- a fact that Mr. Weakley will make them loudly aware of when they reach the race area.

Blissfully ignorant of their horrendous gaffe, they follow Toby and Rachael
as Marc continues to clean up the rigging mess Al has left behind.

A fairly smooth tack for the fans on shore.

Søren Jensen and Jesper Friis head out in the beautiful W825 kindly loaned to them by Ed Tait.
I bet Weakley didn't yell at them for no life jackets!!!

Charlotte, North Carolina's own Richard Johnson and wife, Michele, pilot Free Range Chicken ...
... an Abbott Mark III whose back tank no longer leaks ...
... out onto the wilds of Lake Ontario.

The Mississauga SC's Taylor brothers, Paul (l) and Mark.

Mike O'Malley and Justin Denny leave the MSC inlet behind ...

... Peter and Jonathan Ayres.

Heider Funck and Tom Wharton (l) who tied with Uncle Al
for the most recent North American championship are off and looking good.

It looks like it will be a lovely day for the Practice race.
Doug Honey and Becky Robson (6280) check out the upwind possibilities, as do Toby and Rachael (8848) and ...
... Dave (l) and Charles Hansman in Banshee.

Seconds before the start: it seems most of the top boats want the leeward end - for larger version, click here

John de Boer (l) on a suicide run: unless he's not over the line because he's gotten himself a line sight, he will have to go around the end because the I-flag is up - for larger version, click here
AEC Wayfarer Worlds links
competitor profiles
complete results
report by Uncle Al
report from Richard & Michele
the real story by Toby Mace and Neil Fletcher
how we all fared
we got letters
the Whiffle that covered the Worlds

photos from on shore
on shore with Richard Johnson
on shore with Gord Leachman
at PCYC with John de Boer and Dave Hansman
at PCYC with Liz Feibusch and Tony Hunt
on shore with Uncle Al - 1
on shore with Uncle Al - 2
caricatures with Diane Zaremba (W440)
Saturday's Banquet
the Awards
one group's aftermath
a few pics of the champion boat's layout
the AEC Wayfarer Worlds Annex
at PCYC with Geoff Lepper - 1
at PCYC with Geoff Lepper - 2
at PCYC with Geoff Lepper - 3
Wayfarer Worlds XII: as Paul Robinson captured them:
Thursday's racing - 1
Thursday's racing - 2
Friday night was caricature night
leaving MSC for Saturday's final race
the Banquet