2004 AEC Wayfarer Worlds
heading out for the final race from MSC
Paul Robinson photos

Alan Simpkins (l) and Paul Early (r) rig W4581 just outside the compound.

Ready for the ramp are Steve Carroll (l) and John Atwell.

SHADES with Uncle Al (and Frank Koreman?) waiting for Marc to come and do the work
while Steve Hallwood take his daughter for a ride.


The Chickin, ready to hit the free range

It doesn't look too promising out there as the Rahns get ready.

Jesper (l) and Søren

The Rahns are rolling - sort of.

Brian Jeffs and Scott Bamford (9235) are about to hit the best puff of the hour
while business picks up at the dock.


Brian and Scott

Michele and Richard

Marc and Al

Shirley and Kevin Pegler in Wildwood (W1071) beside team Simpkins/Earley

the Peglers: Captain P looks serious but the crew has a smile for the photographer.

Team Taylor

Paul Earley and Alan Simpkins

Andrew and Nigel Gumley

Charles and Dave Hansman

Team Kennedy

Louis Jaillet and Brian Mills

Peter Ayres doubles Valkyrie's speed by having Jon paddle.

Gary and Anne Armstrong bear away for a couple of starboard tack geese.

Ah yes, Gary! Let's not forget the permanent life jackets flag in effect.

Justin Denny and Mike O'Malley

Nick Seraphinoff packs the chute while Joe Blackmore begins to hear a call from Nature.

Guy Hacon and Daniel Watson

Peter Kozak gets strokes from Annelies Groen.

A bit of last-minute phyrkling by Roger Challis while ...

... crew Mark Johnston takes the helm.

Aha! A skipper paddling! Jeff and Barry Cox.

Steve and John

It's a lovely scene, all these Wayfarers (for full-size pic, click here).
Note the lake breeze just beginning to fill in.

Brian Lamb and Tony Hunt make their way out from the Port Credit YC side.

As do Heider Funck and Tom Wharton.
AEC Wayfarer Worlds links
competitor profiles
complete results
report by Uncle Al
report from Richard & Michele
the real story by Toby Mace and Neil Fletcher
how we all fared
we got letters
the Whiffle that covered the Worlds

photos from on shore
on shore with Richard Johnson
on shore with Gord Leachman
at PCYC with John de Boer and Dave Hansman
at PCYC with Liz Feibusch and Tony Hunt
on shore with Uncle Al - 1
on shore with Uncle Al - 2
caricatures with Diane Zaremba (W440)
Saturday's Banquet
the Awards
one group's aftermath
a few pics of the champion boat's layout
the AEC Wayfarer Worlds Annex
at PCYC with Geoff Lepper - 1
at PCYC with Geoff Lepper - 2
at PCYC with Geoff Lepper - 3
Wayfarer Worlds XII: as Paul Robinson captured them:
Thursday's racing - 1
Thursday's racing - 2
Friday night was caricature night
leaving MSC for Saturday's final race
the Banquet