Helm: Jay Colville
Club: East Down YC
Age: 46
Crew: Ian Harley
Age: 37

Worlds Experience:
2001: 34th
Worlds Experience:
2001: 34th
Sailing History:  I was the Commodore of East Down Yacht Club when we hosted the Worlds in 2001. My nickname was (.com). It was a good event but my sailing sufferred.  I'm the current Irish Wayfarer Champion.  
Last year I was 6th in the Irish Helmsman's championship, in a competition of 22 other class champions including the Irish Olympic team.

Sailing History: Ian has sailed with Jay in lots of dinghies and cruiser racers over the last 22 years.
When not sailing: When I'm not sailing, I race a car.

When not sailing: Works in Toronto, doing research for his medical career.
Family: married to Helen, two teenage kids Sarah and John Family: married to Kim, with two young sons