Wayfarer International Committee Guidelines
for the Wayfarer Worlds/Internationals

1. REFERENCE: The word "shall" when used with reference to Class Rules or WIC rulings is mandatory.    "Overseas N.C.A." means those other than "Host Country".

2. DATES:  preferably between July 15 and August 15.

3. LENGTH: six to seven days including Measurement and Practice Race

4. RACES:  seven to nine races should be aimed at, two per day until the number of races remaining = the number of days remaining, then one per day. Courses should be a fairly even mix of Olympic triangles and Windward-Leewards, all to aim at ending on a beat.

5. SCORING:  Either system from Appendix A of the ISAF RRS with the following provisions: - one drop if at least four races are completed. - no drop if three or fewer races are completed. - a Champion shall be declared even if only one race is completed - points ties shall not be broken, joint Champions shall be declared in the event of a points tie in races counted. Trophy re-arrangements may be made.

6. SAFETY: There should be a tally board or other sign out/sign in procedure.

7. BORROWED BOATS:  The Host N.C.A. shall appoint a reliable, hard-working individual as co-ordinator of Boat Borrowing. It is a disadvantage to sail a borrowed boat. In the interests of fair competition, everything possible should be done to minimize this disadvantage, and to this end the following must happen:
  • Cost of charter and insurance should be incorporated into the overall budget and shared by all entrants
  • Borrowers should have as much information about "their" boat as possible, at least a month before the event (time to upgrade the boat as desired).
  • Borrowed boats (with metal mast) and with valid buoyancy and measurement certificate should be available on the Worlds site at least three days prior to Measurement Day.
  • Borrowed boats should come with all safety gear required by that Worlds' Sailing Instructions.
8. MEASUREMENT shall be at the discretion of the Championship Measurer and should include
  • Hull weight    
  • only the protruding part of the centreboard when fully down (profile, depth below keel, diameter, chamfer, angle)
  • rudder blade (profile, diameter, chamfer, angle)
  • spi pole length
  • "black" bands
  • the two complete suits of sails allowed, sails stamped as having officially measured in earlier that year can be accepted without re-measurement at the request/risk of the sails' owner/user (competitors would be expected to use their own sails)
Measurers must have the equipment and facilities  (including undercover accommodation for sail  measurement) required for the measurement and weighing of boats.

9. PRIZES AND *TROPHIES:  'Keepers' for Helm and Crew should be indistinguishable from each other for any position - i.e. the 'keeper' is engraved FIRST, SECOND, etc. but not marked Helm or Crew. (This would be useful in the event of ties where each boat could receive one trophy for the higher finish and one for the lower - to be re-engraved suitably at a later date). All keepers should be awarded in pairs (crew as important as helm!). * WIC  is responsible for the Trophies and should be notified of the names and addresses of the winners who will themselves be required to arrange and pay for engraving.

10. AWARDS BANQUET should be held on the evening after the final scheduled race.

11. ACCOMMODATION:  Low cost accommodation (e.g. Sports Club, Youth Hostel), camping and caravanning facilities should be available at a reasonable distance from the boat park.

  • Third Party Insurance: Each helmsman shall sign a declaration that (s)he holds a valid Third Party Insurance and that they race entirely at their own risk - the amount of insurance cover required to be stated.
  • Wayfarer International Class Rules 35.5 and 37.
  • Any specific WIC dispensation applicable to the Championship
  • Maximum P.R. effort should be made before and during the event
  • Comprehensive shore arrangements should be made for friends and relations accompanying competitors
14. RECOMMENDED TIMETABLE - see next page