Ian Porter provides a professional's latest info on metal rudder stocks
or rudder heads as we in NA know them

From: Ian Porter
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 4:46 AM
Subject: Re: Rudder Head

Dear Al,
Thanks for the copy e mail.
We do not supply the RWO parts as they are difficult to deal with on deliveries (you could wait months for a back order to come through). The RWO rudder stock did not prove to be very durable - it was subject to twisting. So we designed one with CeeVee and now this is the standard and has been for over a decade.
We stopped doing wooden rudder stocks many years ago - it would take a morning just to fit one out and in these days of high labour costs it just was not justified. So the new stock is all alloy with the Seasure pintle and gudgeon bolted through it for strength.
I hope that this information assists;
Best wishes,
Ian Porter.