7. Facts found: Bare Bottom was clear astern
but became overlapped
with Aardvark about 10
seconds before
the start, and Aardvark (windward) and Bare Bottom (leeward) moved into
the position shown at left. When the start signal was made, Aardvark asked that Bare Bottom sail proper course and
give room since the
start signal had been
made. Bare Bottom refused
to make any attempt to bear away until about 10 seconds had elapsed. Aardvark immediately lodged a valid
protest under rule 17 and rule 18.
established her overlap
from clear
astern, Bare
was required by rule 17 to "not
sail above
her proper course".
She was
therefore entitled to luff head to wind until her start signal was made
since the proper course
states that she has no proper
until her start signal is made. Once that start signal was made, Bare
was required to bear away. She did not do so and is therefore
disqualified under rule 17.
that when
the start
signal was made,
was required only to bear away to her proper course . If
that proper
course did not give room to Aardvark
pass between
Bare Bottom and
the RC boat, then Aardvark
would be SOL since Section
2C rules such as rule 18 do
not apply at
a start mark surrounded by navigable water when the boats are
approaching the line to start.)
case #8
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