11. Facts found: Pointless was reaching along the
starting line at a speed of about one knot on starboard tack. If she
had held her course, she would have crossed behind Expletive Express who was
starting on port. At the start signal, the boats were three lengths
apart. At this moment, Pointless
luffed up to close-hauled and called "Starboard" on Expletive Express. EE started to tack about 3
seconds later but forced Pointless
to luff up slightly to avoid a collision. Pointless protested Expletive Express under rules 10
(opposite tacks) and 13 (while
When Pointless
course she did give Expletive
Express room
to keep clear. A nimble boat like the Wayfarer can be tacked virtually
immediately. .Expletive
should have tacked or borne away immediately to be sure of keeping clear. She
failed to do so, and thus broke rule 13
by tacking too close. Rule 10 did
not apply.
case #12
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