20. Facts found: Half
way up the first beat, Oxymoron (port)
bore away to avoid colliding with GangGreen
(starboard) as shown at left.

Right after
crossing GangGreen’s
transom, Oxymoron started
to tack but GangGreen
began to tack at the same time and the boats collided. There was no
damage. Both protested.
boats were tacking when the collision occurred, rule 13 applied. This states that "If two
boats are subject to this rule at the same time, the one on the other's
port side shall keep
clear." Since GangGreen
was on Oxymoron's port
side and did not keep clear, GangGreen
is DSQ.
14 (Avoiding Contact) also
applied and was infringed by both boats. Since there was no damage
however, there is no penalty (rule 14[b]).
case #21
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