29. Facts found: Sailing buoys to
port, Warped Foils (windward)
and Masked Muffin (leeward)
were overlapped
(see diagram) as they passed the mark. After the two boats
passed the mark, Masked Muffin
requested room to tack, but Warped
Foils refused. Masked
Muffin protested.
20 (Room to Tack...) did not
apply since Masked
was not sailing towards an obstruction. Rule 18 applies but provides no help to
the outside boat here. Only rule 11
(same tack, overlapped) can be used here , but rule 11 does not give the leeward boat
the right to tack and break rule 13
(while tacking). Masked
was not entitled to room to tack and her protest is denied. Her only
options were to gybe away or to wait for the windward boat to tack.
Case #30
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