43. Facts found: In a 15-knot
breeze, Demented Dumpling
was slowly
catching Beer Delivery
down the latter part of the run. When Beer Delivery was four lengths
from the mark, Demented Dumpling
was still half a length clear astern of Beer Delivery as shown at left.

caught a late
wave and surfed into an inside overlap when Beer Delivery was about two and a half to three lengths from
the mark. Demented Dumpling
called for mark-room. Beer Delivery replied that his
bow had already reached the zone
when the overlap
was established. There was slight side-to-side contact but no damage as
Demented Dumpling
squeezed inside Beer Delivery
at the mark. Both protested.
Ruling: The
told by the parties involved left this committee in considerable doubt
as to whether Demented Dumpling
established an overlap
in time. Therefore, Rule 18.2(d)
applies and the decision goes against Demented Dumpling which claimed
the late change in the status quo. Demented
Dumpling is disqualified.
boats also broke Rule 14 but
are not penalized under this Rule since the collsion caused no damage.
Case #44
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