54. Facts found: At the finish of
a club race,
the RC boat was anchored on the wrong side of the finish mark which was
to be left to starboard as shown at left in the diagram. D.F.L. rounded the finish mark
to starboard and crossed the line facing back the way he had just come.
D.F.L. then
protested the other 48 boats for not doing the same.
Decision: According to
the Finish Definition, "A
boat finishes when any part of her hull, or crew or equipment in normal
position, crosses the finishing line from the course side." The implication of
the finish
definition is that this is the ONLY
possible way to finish - in accordance with rule 28.1 [Sailing the Course]). If
this conflicts with the requirement to leave all marks to starboard,
then the requirements of 28.1 take precedence.
the other 48 boats finished correctly and D.F.L.'s protest is not upheld.
addition, since D.F.L. was
a party to this
hearing, she shall be penalized as set out in rule 64.1(a), i.e. (d.v.s.) she shall be
scored DNF (Did Not Finish) as a result of the required protest by the
Case #55
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