the 2012 Wayfarer Chesapeake Cruise North
Oxford > Tilghman Is. > Slaughter Creek with Dick, Jane, Jeff, Fran, Tom and Al
Sunday 27 May: Oxford - 1
pics mostly by Uncle Al

Most of us missed the excitement the day before when Jeff and Fran's trailer
got wrecked by a huge drop-off at our launch ramp ...

... in Oxford. No such problems forAl whose tilt-bed trailer stays at the water's edge.

After launching, we sailed (above) around the corner to Campbell's Town Creek Marina (A above and pic below).

Jeff and Fran's Liberty is already moored and ship shape.   - click here for larger image

our host

Tom Goldsmith captures the group hiding from the 100+ degrees of F heat.
(l to r) Jeff and Fran Kirk, Dick Harrington and Jane Korver, Uncle Al

This time, Tom replaces Dick in the group shot.

a local fisherman

Fran and Jane at our picnic table

Fran and Jeff

cooling off, doggy style
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