the first annual
International Cruising Rally - 4
Jesper and Poul get set for the first "cruise" - note the Denmark flag on SHADES' transom!!
A pair of intrepid mariners: Poul and David - the latter proudly wearing his Danish Wayfarer cap now that he has properly bent the brim!!
Jesper and Aida keep a very good lookout. After all who knows if a pizza delivery boat isn't out there somewhere??!!
Canada's most famous cruising W, Don Davis' Cara Mia.
SHADES and crew enjoy a lovely Georgian Bay morning.
Or is it the African Queen???
Lots of fun things ...
... for a young Wayfarer to do!!!
Rally - 1
Rally - 2
Rally - 3
Rally - 4
Rally - 5
Rally - 6
Rally - 7
Rally - 8
Rally - 9
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