Section D
Other Rules

When rule 21 or 22 applies between two boats, Section A rules do not.


21  Starting Errors; Taking Penalties; Backing a Sail
21.1  A boat sailing towards the pre-start side of the starting line or one of its extensions after her starting signal to start or to comply with rule 30.1 shall keep clear of a boat not doing so until she is completely on the pre-start side.
21.2  A boat taking a penalty shall keep clear of one that is not.
A boat moving astern, or sideways to windward, by backing a sail shall keep clear of one that is not.


22  Capsized, Anchored or Aground; Rescuing
If possible, a boat shall avoid a boat that is capsized or has not regained control after capsizing, is anchored or aground, or is trying to help a person or vessel in danger. A boat is capsized when her masthead is in the water.


23   Interfering with Another Boat
23.1  If reasonably possible, a boat not racing shall not interfere with a boat that is racing.
23.2 If reasonably possible, a boat shall not interfere with a boat that is taking a penalty, sailing on another leg or subject to rule 21.1. However, after the starting signal this rule does not apply when the boat is sailing her proper course.


Fundamental Rules
Part 2A - Right of Way
Part 2B - General Limitations
Part 2C - At Marks and Obstructions
Part 3- Conduct of a Race
Part 4 - Other Requirements When Racing
Part 5A - Protests
Part 5B - Hearings and Decisions
Part 5C - Gross Misconduct
Part 5D - Appeals