16. Facts found: RotoRooster was returning
towards the pre-start side of the line after a premature start. He met In a Pig's Eye who was on port
tack. RotoRooster
called "Starboard". In a Pig's Eye
responded that RotoRooster had no rights
here. Both changed course to avoid a collision, and both lodged valid
Decision: Once RotoRooster
began to sail back "towards the pre-start side of the starting line
or one of its extensions
after her starting signal to start or
to comply with rule 30.1 ", she lost her right-of-way
status under
rule 10, and rule 22
(Starting Errors, ...) began to apply. From that moment on until she
was completely back on the pre-start side of the line, RotoRooster was
obligated to keep clear
any boat that was not returning to the line. Rule 10
does not apply, and RotoRooster
is DSQ under rule 22.
case #17
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