22. On a beat
in a moderate breeze, Olivia's
Ostrich is sailing along on port tack on a parallel course to
windward and astern of Reef Not who
was also on port tack. The helm of Olivia's
Ostrich sees Reef Not bounce
off a starboard tacker, Jacob's J.
Reef Not comes
out of this collision on starboard tack. She does not do a Two-Turns
Penalty as requested by Jacob's J.
Olivia's Ostrich
immediately informs Reef Not that she is protesting.

Now OO and RN are on a collision course.
The helm of Olivia's Ostrich
feels that Reef Not has no
rights since he is sure to be disqualified in the coming protest.
However, he decides to play it safe and bear away to keep clear of Reef Not. Later, he asks the
Protest Committee Chairman if he was right to keep clear in that
incident. Was he?