38. Facts found: Cripple Creek
Ferry was
passing Hot-Ruddered Bum to windward on the first
reach. HRB luffed, but
seconds later, CCF's helm
called "Mast Abeam" because he was now forward of HRB's mast. The latter did not
stop sailing above his proper
course until the Ferry
finally took Bum's wind
and passed him.
Ruling: Under more
recent rules the situation is that, since Hot-Ruddered Bum, the leeward boat, had not
established her overlap from clear astern and within two
boatlengths, both boats were simply subject to rule 11 which states: "a windward boat shall keep clear of a leeward boat".
The "Mast Abeam" rule that used to limit luffing rights is no
longer with us. Since HRB
complied with rule 16.1 by giving
CCF "room to keep clear", HRB has broken no rule.
Case #39
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