1983 Worlds
Miscellaneous Candids - 5
Please! If you can add or correct any info that should go below any photo,
contact Uncle Al. Many thanks or mange tak, as the case may be!
Ian Porter (left) has spotted Uncle Al's zoom lens which wasn't entirely aimed at the ice cream eaters: Jane who is now Mrs. Ian Porter and Martin Wickham.
What I couldn't understand is how Ian could take his eyes off the ice cream eaters!
a lovely smile from Jane
the end of a successful sunbathe
Hayling haul-out
On practically our first night at Hayling we were introduced to this fine sporting challenge: the idea was to be the first to finish eating a giant cracker and empty your beer. Sounds easy, doesn't it?! Ah, but you can only eat/drink while your candle is lit, don'tcha know! You can see that this was an international ladies' match where the rules were (mostly) obeyed and a certain amount of dignity and decorum maintained.
And now, it's Scotland (left) vs. Canada. Gentlemen, poise your matches!
The crowd goes wild as Uncle Al has his sole competitive success in the two weeks at HISC. Kevan Gibb and Al were real gentlemen in their contest, real babes in arms. When the "big boys", Ed Gillespie and Colin Wilson West (below) subsequently entered the "ring", there were no niceties such as waiting until the mouth was empty of cracker and beer before attempting to extinguish the rival's candle!!!
Foul by Ed Gillespie who is not permitted to blow or eat while his candle is out!!!
SH071: Waiting for the supper line to start moving: (l to r) two unidentified young ladies, Joel Hicks and Tim Miller, Mike Porter, Mons Brunius and Laurie Leake.
SH072: George Gyngell enjoys his beer - Paul Guilfoyle on the right
George Gyngell: ready for the hot sun on the Solent
SH074: ?? working hard to make that rudder blade just right
 Martin Wood and Nick Hodshon (back) put on finishing touches before launching

miscellaneous candids - 1
miscellaneous candids - 2
miscellaneous candids - 3
miscellaneous candids - 4
miscellaneous candids - 6
miscellaneous candids - 7
miscellaneous candids - 8
miscellaneous candids - 9
miscellaneous candids - 10
on the water - 1
on the water - 2
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